Tips for New Graphic Design Freelancers

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2020’s COVID-19 pandemic turned the world of work on its head. The benefits of remote working and hiring freelancers became abundantly clear in a very short amount of time. So much of what we do these days can be done remotely, provided one has access to a good computer and a stable internet connection. Graphic design is such a field that can truly thrive in this new dynamic working environment.

It’s the perfect time for recently qualified graphic designers to establish themselves as freelancers. However, working freelance isn’t all about sipping cocktails on a beach while checking your emails. There are a lot of practical matters you’ll need to factor in if you intend to make a success of this venture. To help on your journey as a freelancer, here are some top tips for new freelance graphic designer entering the field: 


Having a contract is a basic necessity for any freelancer. A good contract will clearly establish the rate negotiated between you and your client. It will also set the parameters of a particular project or deadlines and revision schedules, and include clauses related to project cancellations. Another good reason to have a formal contract that it has the potential to protect all parties should legal issues arise further down the line. Drawing up a graphic design contract may seem hard work, but there are many excellent templates available online that you can use. 

Stick to a Schedule

Anyone who has been a freelancer will know that sticking to a schedule is easier said than done. To prevent burnout, it is incredibly important to plan your work schedule and stick to it. It will require a lot of self-discipline, but a schedule is crucial when it comes to meeting deadlines while giving each client the quality time they deserve. Be sure to track the time you’ve worked for each client – it’ll help you maintain a healthy work/life balance. 

Use Technology to Your Advantage

We live in a technological age, and it’s up to you to use the abundance of tools available to your advantage as a freelancer. There are great technological innovations that can assist with key business functions, such as invoicing and project management. 

File Your Taxes

Your tax obligations will play a significant role when it comes to setting your rates. Being self-employed can make things quite complicated as you’ll also need to consider providing yourself with things a company usually would such as health insurance and retirement contributions. There are also lots of ways to save on taxes. It is best to consult a tax practitioner to find out how best to file your payments. 

Being a freelance graphic designer has both its advantages and disadvantages. However, if this is the path you’ve chosen to pursue, it is essential that you consider these factors if you want to make a success of your new venture. Good luck with your new chapter as a freelancer!

Below Infographic will help guide you through the process of taking your design skills to the next level

(Click on the Image For Full View)


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