Global Mobile Trends
Out of the 7 billion people worldwide, 5.9 billion are mobile phone users 87% of the world’s population have mobile phones. Smartphone sales are up 63.1% from 2010 488.5 million units were sold in 2011.
Source: culturelabel
The Importance of Mobile Campaigns
Today, 46 percent of all U.S. adults own a smartphone, and more than half of them use the device to shop online. While these mobile consumers are browsing and buying, businesses without a concrete mobile presence are missing out. Take a look below to find out why it’s time to make mobile marketing a priority and how to do it well.
Source: milo
The Smart Phone Revolution
Since the launch of the IBM Simon in 1993, smartphone technology has reached levels that until recent times had only been dreamed about. A feature such as wireless sharing, HD video recording and mobile internet are now commonplace and today’s average smartphone has more processing power than the computers used by NASA to land a man on the moon.
Source: dialaphone
Infographic Asks Which Came First: The iPhone or The Android
Apple and Google fans love to argue about who has the better phone, which phone was the true revolutionary – and which one was the tagalong. Here, Apple Gazette traces the history of both devices, from their creators’ very first imaginings and ambitions, attempting to discern, once and for all… Which came first?
Source: infographiclabs
Mobile Battles: iPhone vs Android, Facebook vs Group on
Smartphone sales are expected to increase by 105% in 2014 compared to 2010. 99.6 million Smartphones were sold in the first quarter of 2011.
Source: lucidagency
Anatomy of the Perfect Mobile Email
As consumers use mobile devices more and more to read email, creating flawless designs that are readable and useful in both desktop and mobile environments can be quite a challenge. Below we have outlined the crucial elements in creating beautiful and functional designs, as well as the pitfalls that can affect performance.
Source: litmus
Mobile search for Business
Marketers still have reservations about mobile search. Despite the growing market penetration of smartphones, not to mention the percentage of smartphones, not to mention the percentage of search queries with a local intent, many organizations still struggle with seeing how mobile search benefits them.
Source: marketingshepra
The Future of Mobile Payments
There’s major transformation happening between people and their relationship to their money, a transformation enabled by the arrival of mobile payments. The magnitude of the change – and the disruption – caused by mobile payments will greatly impact consumers, bank, retailers, wireless carriers, among others, and will be felt across the globe.
Source: sapient
The Major Commerce in the US
In the past 2 years the percentage of U.S e-commerce sales via mobile devices has risen from 2% to 8%.
Source: statista
A New Era of the Digital Revolution
In early 2012, the digital revolution entered a new era. The age of mobile, in which people are connected to the web wherever they are, arrived in earnest. A new survey of more than 3,000 U.S. adults conducted in January 2012 by the Pew Research Center’s Project for excellence in Journalism finds that people are taking advantage of having access to news in their pockets, on their laps and at their desks: mobile devices appear to be adding to the news experience.
Source: stateofthenewsmedia