Eurepean Premier League Fans vs National Football League Fans

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Some UK football fans have made very unkind statements about their American friends’ version of football. Aside from a little kicking, players in the US National Football League (NFL) generally use their hands, so why even call it football? And what’s with all the padding? The UK has rugby, which has many similarities with NFL, but without all the protection for players (which is why rugby is probably more dangerous). It’s a brave UK fan that would dare to say anything bad about the NFL to a fan, since their fans are among the most devoted in the world. And of course, US football fans can easily, and deliberately anger UK football fans, by simply calling football “soccer.” The UK fans seem to really hate that.

The English Premier League (EPL) and the NFL exist independently of each other, and the US only really plays the soccer version of football against the UK when it comes to the FIFA World Cup or the Olympics. While the EPL and the NFL offer vastly different games, is it possible to tell which one is the most loved by its fans?

True love exists within the heart, and a truly dedicated fan simply wouldn’t believe that another fan could love a team and a sport as much as they love theirs. There are some interesting figures about just how fans show their love, although the number of online searches for a team and their games doesn’t necessarily translate into love, and neither does the number of hours spent watching your teams games on TV. Shouldn’t it all be about quality instead of quantity? The figures that detail fan engagement with their team paint an interesting picture, but you’ll need to look at the numbers yourself to see if it truly demonstrates love.

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Eurepean Premier League Fans vs National Football League Fans


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