Chris Lucero Media Director
Accomplished media director with a humbled soul and eager to learn attitude. Who has a unique combination of technical expertise, managerial experience, business leadership, and media production to lead and implement web platforms and business operations.
Source: teqnik
The History of the CV
The National Careers Service website proposals a range of web tools that help train and write CVs and other learning information. It also offers a free, safe and secure online location for them to store their CV. The infographic depicts how the CV was born and also how it has evolved through time since the first recorded CV was written by Leonardo Da Vinci in the 15th century. Medieval travellers often used CVs as an informal way of presenting themselves to the lords. In the 20th century it was formalised and more information was added to the documents – such as an applicant’s likes and hobbies, in order to better lay out a potential employee’s interests.
Source: nationalcareersservice
The Anatomy of a Great Resume
This infographic provides some useful advices when it comes to creating your resume the best it can be.
Source: topcounselingschools Resume has come up with a great way to assistance you represent your career online.
Source: beyond
The Truth about Lying on Resumes
Some of the most common things that job seekers lie or otherwise misrepresent on their resume. 46% of the resumes submitted by job applicants contain some measure of false information. 70% of college students said they would lie on their resume in order to get the job they want.
Source: visual