Cancer is among the most prominent and feared diseases in our society. It seems that, every day, someone comes out with a new study showing one more thing that has been found to contribute to cancer. Not only that but, most, if not all of us, can name at least 2 people we know who have or have had cancer at some point. Some of us may have resigned ourselves to thinking that everything could give us cancer so, why bother worrying?
However, there are still definitely things we can do and information we can know to help ward off this terrifying disease. For instance, there are things you might want to be aware of if you are thinking of moving to a different part of the US. There are also many household items that we don’t even consider when thinking of things that might contribute to cancer cells.
This infographic, brought to you by, will show you more information about household items and about the prominence of certain types of cancers in particular areas of the US.
(Click on the Image For Full View)
Source: best-nursing-schools