3 Ingredients Healthy Smoothies

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Remember when you were a kid and you would choose different kinds of candy based on color without even knowing what flavor it was? Well, now that you’ve kicked the habit of downing a pound of candy per day, pick your smoothies by color instead! It actually makes sense to pick your smoothie recipes that way. As you’ll read in the infographic below, colors that match provide your body with similar nutrients.

You can get your fill of cancer-fighting and immune boosting ingredients with just the switch of a blender. You don’t need to worry about gathering ingredients from across the universe to concoct a complex elixir. You can count the ingredients in these smoothie recipes on one hand. Just fill your blender and spin it up! You can find the complete recipes for all nine smoothies in the infographic below. Here’s to your health and to your favorite color. Happy blending!

(Click on the image for full view)


Source: bestblenders

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