How Small Businesses Are Engaging in Ecommerce
Currently, Ecommerce has brought in close to $42 billion in retail sales and will only steadily increase as more and more consumers turn to the internet for their purchasing needs. However, the integration between ecommerce and small business seems to be slow coming.
Source: formstack
Tips to Avoid and Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment for Ecommerce
Shopping cart abandonment remains a major ecommerce concern. To help manage this problem, here are tips to help significantly lower shopping cart abandonment. The average number of online shopping cart purchases abandoned.
Source: monetate
How Page Load Times Effects Ecommerce Shopping and Cart Conversions
Loading time is a major contributing factor to page abandonment. The average user has no patience for a page that takes too long to load, and justifiably so.
Source: gomez
Ecommerce and the Social Login
On average 75 percent of online purchases don’t occur because visitors abandon their shopping carts. One big reason is the requirement to register before making a purchase. High abandonment rates result in millions of dollars in lost revenue.
Source: monetate
Tablet Ecommerce Breakdown
Tablet use is increasing exponentially – after just a few short years, 55million Americans already own some type of tablet device. And that number is expected to grow! With the simple functionality that tablets offer, more and more online shopping are timing to these devices to meet their purchasing needs, spending an ever-increasing amount of money while they’re at it.
Source: mivamerchant
10 Groundbreaking Ecommerce Stats
10 groundbreaking stats from IRCE 2012 Ecommerce, as you once knew it, is over. 79% of retailers systems research study agree social media is a business imperative.
Source: wanttechologies
The State of Ecommerce and It’s Growth in the United States
A February 2012 report by Forrester Research Inc, predicts significant growth for U.S. Ecommerce, with e-retail accounting for 9 percent of all sales by 2016, compared to today’s 7 percent. What’s fueling this Ecommerce train? A combination of improved retailer websites and increased consumer adoption of mobile tools, such as smartphones and tablets, are making spending easier than ever than ever before. Regardless of factors, one thing is clear: the future of retail is in the cloud.
Source: baynote
The Mobile Trends are Shaping E-commerce
Consumers are relying more on their smartphones to engage with brands, consume content, and make purchases. In fact , visits to leading ecommerce websites from smartphones have more than doubled in just one year. Although a debate rages on about which smartphones is the most popular, market share has come down to a two-horse race between Google’s Android and Apple’s iPhone.
Source: monetate
Why Small Businesses Need to Adopt Ecommerce
Ecommerce is a mainstay in U.S. consumer spending slowly gaining traction as a portion of all U.S. spending. But small businesses are slow to adapt. We explore trends in ecommerce and demonstrate why 2012 is the year for small businesses to adopt it.
Source: intuit
The Rise of Ecommerce
We are in an era where E-commerce marketing is a powerful and regularly developing form. The power of the internet and social media has made it possible for the friction less sharing of information which has inherent value in producing more touch points and imitations at a relatively lower cost than other digital marketing channels when harnessed correctly.
Source: socialannex