Here’s another brilliantly inventive and informative Info-Graph. Brought to us by the team over at 666Casino, for more information on this brand, click here to visit their website. This one focuses on the topic of online Gambling and its rapid growth in the UK. Taking data and research from the most reliable sources in this field. As they used a report conducted by the British Gambling Commission that provides a wide variety of Industry-based statistics.
The Info-Graph reveals a variety of significant and interesting new statistics for us to draw conclusions from. For example, the British Gambling Industry was able to generate a gross revenue of £5.8 billion, a figure that had risen by £0.2 billion. To put that into a more comparative format, that figure has risen by a whopping 4%. Suggesting more people are gambling now than ever and it’s demand is continuing to increase. Find more fun statistics like this within the uploaded Info-Graph.
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