Employers spend time, effort and extensive company resources on ensuring employees have what they need to be productive, committed and engaged. Yet, every day those valued workers, many with a long track record of excellent performance, begin showing signs of increased absenteeism, lower productivity and overall disengagement on the job.
With all of the well-intentioned strategies employers use, why is there still a disconnect? What is causing these issues among respected employees? The answer, surprisingly, is less abot improving work but about improving personal time after work. Research is showing that for many employees the problems at work aren’t work-related.
Instead, personal legal life events – such as family or financial concerns – are creating stress, taking time, distracting their attention and making it more difficult to be fully focused at work. ARAG’s Legal Town infographic illustrates the top 10 legal needs Americans have that cause them to unexpectedly start missing work and important deadlines. The infographic also tells you what you can do to address these issues in your workplace.
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Source: araggroup