Rooting Out Hunger
The main reason people suffer from vitamin A deficiency is that their diets lack foods rich in vitamin A. From 2007 to 2009, harvest plus and its partners distributed vitamin A-rich orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) to 24,000 farming households in Uganda and Mozambique.
Source: harvestplus
Hunger is an age-old problem. It affects every country in the world to a different degree. It also produces social and political debates as to how to fight it and final a lasting solution. Here are some sobering facts about hunger in the world.
Source: onlineschools
Stunting in Children
Stunting in young children is a consequence of multiple factors that are often linked to poverty – including nutrition, health, sanitation and environment. Stunting can lead to developmental problems and is often impossible to correct but it can be prevented.
Source: unicef
How to Fight Hunger
Poverty is a principal cause of hunger – it prevents people from having access to food and the tools they need to grow it. Natural disasters, conflict, lack of infrastructure, and poor farming practices also contribute to the growing problem of hunger as the world population increases.
Source: usaid
Simple Innovations Help African Farmers Thrive
Approximately one billion people live in chronic hunger ad more than one billion live in extreme poverty. Most are small farmers in the developing world. Helping these farming families to be more productive is one proven solution to reducing poverty and hunger.
Source: gatesfoundation