The History of Marketing
Until very recently, marketing consisted almost entirely of “outbound marketing”. The period up until around the dot-com bubble consisted of marketing mediums that supported outbound-type marketing.
Source: hubspot
Social Media Marketing Facts 2012
Social media and blogs reach 80% of all active us internet users. One in every seven minutes spent online is spent on facebook. The half-life of a facebook post is 18 hours adding a photo and video to posts increases the life of content.
Source: blackboxsocialmedia
The State of Social Media Marketing
As we look forward to 2013, awareness surveyed 469 marketers from wide varieties of industries, company sizes and levels of social marketing expertise on the current state of social media marketing.
Source: awarenessnetworks
Social Media Marketing takes Flight in 2013
Social media marketing becomes a key initiative. Marketing turns upside down consumers become the marketers, social influence moves beyond ‘like’ to incentive driven recommendations. SEO-less focus on tricks and more on good online marketing.
Source: twinengine
21 Rules for Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies
Like everything else, there are unwritten rules involved in social media marketing. Everyone is obliged to follow these rules, but those that are new to the game, may miss out on the basics. Here are 21 unwritten rules of social media marketing that are designed to create a solid foundation for any social media marketing campaign.
Source: socialmetricspro
Social Networking Bill of Rights
As our lives become increasingly digital, many of us share more and more on social media sites. Consequently, employers and colleges have started to request access to our personal profiles as a way to learn more about us.
Source: backgroundcheck
How Marketers are Using Social Media for Business in 2012
This study surveyed over 3,800 marketers with the goal of understanding how they are using social media to grow and promote their businesses. A significant 83% of marketers indicate that social media is important for their business.
Source: worldviewediting
A Brief History of Content Marketing
For years brands have been telling stories to attract & retain customers, one of the first signs of custom publishing found in cave paintings.
Source: contentmarketingworld
The 5 Core Elements of Online Content Marketing
Blogging is extremely useful for connecting with your audience, expanding your brand’s online presence, and acquiring new customers. There is also a strong correlation between blog post frequency and customers acquisition.
Source: synecoretech
Google+ for Business
Google + has been around for several months now, but most people are not using the social network to its full potential. Even if you have the basics down, it might be time to take a second look at this rapidly growing network.
Source: blueglass